Our Test Development Tool for You
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Our quality management system is certified by TÜV Rheinland according to DIN EN ISO 13485
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On weekday your message will usually answered within 24 hours. We’re open Monday trough Friday excluding national and regional holidays. Office hours from 8 am until 4.30 pm

The HybriDetect is a simple and quick tool to develop your own rapid test. Various molecules can be detected: Proteins, Antibodies, Genetic amplicons
Please note, that you may have to pay country-specific taxes and duties.

The HybriDetect 2T is a simple and quick tool to develop your own rapid test. The 2T is designed for simultaneous detection of two analytes. Various molecules can be detected: Proteins, Antibodies, Genetic amplification products
Please note, that you may have to pay country-specific taxes and duties.