HybriDetect 2T
The HybriDetect 2T is a simple and quick tool to develop your own rapid test. The 2T is designed for simultaneous detection of two analytes. Various molecules can be detected: Proteins, Antibodies, Genetic amplification products
Please note, that you may have to pay country-specific taxes and duties.
The HybriDetect 2T is a simple and quick tool to develop your own rapid test. The 2T is designed for simultaneous detection of two analytes. Various molecules can be detected: Proteins, Antibodies, Genetic amplification products
Please note, that you may have to pay country-specific taxes and duties.
HybriDetect 2T is a ready-to-use, universal test strip (dipstick) based on lateral flow technology using gold particles. The dipstick can be used to develop qualitative or quantitative rapid test systems for simultaneous detection of two different analytes such as proteins, antibodies or gene amplification products. The results can be interpreted qualitative or quantitative.

HybriDetect 2T dipsticks, HybriDetect 2T assay buffer
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A rapid and precise diagnostic method for detecting the pinewood nematode Bursaphelenchus xylophilus by loop-mediated isothermal amplification. Phytopathology, 99(12), 1365–1369. (2009)
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An automated syringe-based PoC RT-LAMP LFB platform for infectious disease detection from saliva (2024)
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An integrated isothermal nucleic acid amplification test to detect HPV16 and HPV18 DNA in resource-limited settings (2023)
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Dual Detection of Hepatitis B and C Viruses Using CRISPR-Cas Systems and Lateral Flow Assay (2024)
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Establishment and application of a rapid diagnostic method for BVDV and IBRV using recombinase polymerase amplification-lateral flow device (2024)
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Establishment of a reverse transcription–recombinase polymerase amplification–lateral flow dipstick method for the dual detection of Israeli acute paralysis virus and chronic bee paralysis virus (2024)
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Food Authentication: The Detection of Arbutus unedo and Olea europaea Leaves as an Admixture of Oregano Using LAMP- and Duplex LAMP-Based Test Systems with Lateral-Flow Assays (2024)
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